Sunday, March 24, 2013

NYC: In a New York Color Minute; Quick dry nail polish

NYC (New york color)
In a New York Color Minute

Quick dry nail polish

Argghh! Not again! I just painted my nails, but now I have to go to the toilet… And my nail polish isn’t dry yet! What now?
Does this happen to you too? It happens to me a lot! And I hate it… That’s why I was so happy when I saw that these beautiful nail polishes by NYC were in sale. They only costed €2,29 for 2 nail polishes! These are big bottles too with 9,7 ml per bottle, so I had to take them with me.

These nail polishes by NYC say that they are dry ‘In a minute’. Ofcourse, I had to check that out for you girls! ;)
You can touch your nails after a minute, but when your nails bump against something (or if you have to go to the toilet), then your nail polish won’t stay in its place. I didn’t expect these nail polishes to be dry in a minute because of the price, but who knows? :)

I took the numbers ‘294: Lexington Yellow’ and ‘206: East Village’ with me.

I took the following pictures after applying 2 coats of nail polish. This nail polish doesn’t cover completely after 1 coat, so you have to apply 2 coats of nail polish. It also looks like this nail polish doesn’t spread evenly on my nails, but you won’t see anything when you apply 2 coats of nail polish. After 2 coats of this nail polish, you have a pretty and smooth color on your nails: the same color as you can see in the bottle of nail polish. 

294: Lexington Yellow

294: Lexington Yellow is a bright, canary yellow color. I think it’s a very pretty color with a beautiful shine. This nailpolish covers good after 2 coats and then you have a pretty and shining color on your nails. My nails still show through the nail polish a little bit (at my indexfinger and my ringfinger), but you can’t see this from a distance.

206: East Village

206: East Village is a turquoise, see blue color with a metallic green glow. Very unique, very pretty. I think it’s a special, bold color for your nails and I like that. This nail polish covers good after 2 coats too, but my nails don’t show through. Unfortunately you can only see a blue color at these pictures, but the color is a lot greener and the color has a metallic green glow in real life. It’s a pity that I can’t show you this at these pictures.

My conclusion:
I think these nail polishes are very beautiful. Lexington Yellow is not very special, but just very pretty. I think East Village is a special, bold color. These nail polishes don’t cover good after 1 coat and don’t spread evenly on my nails, but you won’t see anything after 2 coats. The bottles are big and they have much product in them and they are also cheap: so if you can still find them in a shop, then i would certainly take these nail polish with you!

I hope you girls liked this article! If you have questions for me, if you want to read a review of a product or if you want to do a request for a nailart, then just place a comment down below and I’ll see what I can do! ;)

Until next time! 
Xoxo' Janneke!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hi girls!

Hello girls,

This is our first post on our blog, so we're going to introduce ourselves.
We've made this blog for a project on our school, TCC De Thij. Our English teacher, ms. Piras, wanted us to do an extra exercise. So we thougt about it and we wanted to make a blog, for you!
We're 4 Dutch girls and we love beauty and fashion and we also wanted to tell you something our life (and how we survive it :p). So we're going to post articles about beauty, fashion and lifestyle whenever we want to!

Hi there, I'm Evie Potijk and I'm fourteen years old. I live in Weerselo. It's 7 kilometres from our school. My dad's called Gerard and my mother's called Brigitte. I also have a sister Noa. I like school (sometimes) and I hope I'm going to do gymnasium. I have a dog, Pip, and a rabbit, Knabbel. I love to play with them. I play volleyball and clarinet. I also like to sing.

Heey, I’m Nathalie Leussink, 13 years old and I also live far from school :(. I have to ride 12 km every day on my bicycle. I live with my father, my mother and my twin sister. I have a rabbit, called Blacky and my sister has a rabbit, called Snuffie. I love to play volleyball and keyboard and I like to read blogs on and, so it’s nice to make a blog with my friends!

Hi, my name is Janneke Oldengarm and I'm thirteen years old. I live in Oldenzaal, very close to the school. I like sleeping, so I'm always very late... :p
I live with my mother, father and brother. We've two dogs, called Boomer and Joy and two rabbits, called Snuf and Snuitje. I like them very much. I also like horses, friends, family, ice cream, nail polish (I'm addicted), make-up, singing and moustaches. And I like to read blogs, like and

Hee, I'm Liselotte Oplaat and I'm also thirteen years old. I live in Ootmarsum. My parents are Henk and Ria and my sisters are called Elsemieke and Marlinde. We have a rabbit, his name is Bruintje. My hobby is play the drums and I love to play tennis.

We hope you will enjoy our blog! 