Sunday, March 24, 2013

NYC: In a New York Color Minute; Quick dry nail polish

NYC (New york color)
In a New York Color Minute

Quick dry nail polish

Argghh! Not again! I just painted my nails, but now I have to go to the toilet… And my nail polish isn’t dry yet! What now?
Does this happen to you too? It happens to me a lot! And I hate it… That’s why I was so happy when I saw that these beautiful nail polishes by NYC were in sale. They only costed €2,29 for 2 nail polishes! These are big bottles too with 9,7 ml per bottle, so I had to take them with me.

These nail polishes by NYC say that they are dry ‘In a minute’. Ofcourse, I had to check that out for you girls! ;)
You can touch your nails after a minute, but when your nails bump against something (or if you have to go to the toilet), then your nail polish won’t stay in its place. I didn’t expect these nail polishes to be dry in a minute because of the price, but who knows? :)

I took the numbers ‘294: Lexington Yellow’ and ‘206: East Village’ with me.

I took the following pictures after applying 2 coats of nail polish. This nail polish doesn’t cover completely after 1 coat, so you have to apply 2 coats of nail polish. It also looks like this nail polish doesn’t spread evenly on my nails, but you won’t see anything when you apply 2 coats of nail polish. After 2 coats of this nail polish, you have a pretty and smooth color on your nails: the same color as you can see in the bottle of nail polish. 

294: Lexington Yellow

294: Lexington Yellow is a bright, canary yellow color. I think it’s a very pretty color with a beautiful shine. This nailpolish covers good after 2 coats and then you have a pretty and shining color on your nails. My nails still show through the nail polish a little bit (at my indexfinger and my ringfinger), but you can’t see this from a distance.

206: East Village

206: East Village is a turquoise, see blue color with a metallic green glow. Very unique, very pretty. I think it’s a special, bold color for your nails and I like that. This nail polish covers good after 2 coats too, but my nails don’t show through. Unfortunately you can only see a blue color at these pictures, but the color is a lot greener and the color has a metallic green glow in real life. It’s a pity that I can’t show you this at these pictures.

My conclusion:
I think these nail polishes are very beautiful. Lexington Yellow is not very special, but just very pretty. I think East Village is a special, bold color. These nail polishes don’t cover good after 1 coat and don’t spread evenly on my nails, but you won’t see anything after 2 coats. The bottles are big and they have much product in them and they are also cheap: so if you can still find them in a shop, then i would certainly take these nail polish with you!

I hope you girls liked this article! If you have questions for me, if you want to read a review of a product or if you want to do a request for a nailart, then just place a comment down below and I’ll see what I can do! ;)

Until next time! 
Xoxo' Janneke!


  1. haha, it works. People can post comments here!
    Very nice article, Janneke and until next time!

  2. Thanks I was considering purchasing this, it looks great!
